ExoTerra - R.T.E.P - Ready To Eat Proteins


Originally developed for elite military teams, teir one ops, and survival rescue missions R.T.E.P.S ( Ready To Eat Protein Systems ) were designed to be fast, effective and packed with organic nutrients to meet any operations physical demands. 

As a private military contractor, sometimes in active and hostile environments for days at a time, I saw a need for such a product. Something that would give me sustained energy and protein for hours and not make me jittery or cause a low energy crash. I needed a supplement that was 100% organic, and not based off high levels of sugar or chemical properties.

With over 2 years of research and development, R.T.E.P.S came to be developed as the most effective organic energy and protein supplement, capable of delivering organic bio nutrients to the body. Composed of over 300 different organic plant cell and insect proteins, including Organically raised armor tail scorpions, cultured organic spirulina, and Tibetan goji berries. ( complete ingredient listing below ) R.T.E.P.S are able to be consumed in seconds with the benefit of instant absorption rate. 


• Organic nutrients
• Complete protein source with over 1000 micro rich nutrients
• Increased nitric oxide production for sustained energy 
• Cell hydration and regeneration 
• Increased oxygen supply to blood and circulatory system
• Enhanced clarity and mental focus
• Increased muscle fullness while increasing lean gain 
• Aerobic and anaerobic capacity, and enhance mental focus
• Detoxifies body tissues of toxins and foreign elements 

Xo² Is a pure organic supplement containing the below ingredients 




enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals and herbs. 

organically farmed beet root. ( complete ingredient listing below )


 R.T.E.P.S are able to be consumed in seconds with the benefit of instant absorption rate.


I beta tested this product for over 2 years, in different environments, climates, operations, travels, etc.

i was constantly asked " How do you have so much energy " i replied "R.T.E.P.S"



Developed as the cleanest organic energy supplement derived from plant cell and insect proteins. Xo² is the most advanced sustained energy supplement that
systematically disperses rich micro nutrients into the bloodstream. This synergy creates an abundance of Nitric Oxide production and increased oxygen intake
100 times more efficient than any other supplement. Providing the body the power to perform while sustaining itself under the most extreme physical conditions. 






Working with many teams and situations I observed their wasn't anything like R.T.E.P.S

I also wanted quick and convenience as well, I didnt want some bulky food item that would be stuck in my pockets or unable to access when i needed it.

I wanted something that would be right on the front line with me, something to grab in a second, take it, and put it right back within in seconds.

Thus i created "R.T.E.P.S"


on the go , sustasinable and recyable  



• 100% organic

• Developed as the purest organic energy/protein supplement

• Sustained energy and protein for hours

• No jitters or energy crash 



 food in a tube

i wanted to develop both an energy supplement much like a " pre workout supplement youd find in a heath store " but i need it to be purely organic and sustainable, i as well wanted it to be a comprehesive all in one supplement that would sustain my energy and provide me with protein and vitamins to get me through the mission 

i also wanted quick and conveince as well, i didnt want some bulky food item that would be stuck in my pockets or unable to access, i wanted something that would be right on the front line with me, something to grab in a second and take and put right back.

i came up with an idea of the supplement in a tothpaste like tude that would fit any kind of plate carierier or magazine pouch, i model RTEPS to be fast and easy acces and to work with just the flip of a cap, ingest and slap righ back into your magazine holder 

now available for the adventurest, survivalist and 


Staying hydrated and fueled during races is not as complicated as you might think.

Take one look around your work environment and it’s usually pretty easy to spot the runner in the room: water bottle within arm’s reach, banana and energy bar sitting atop her desk, and drawers so full of snacks you’d swear she was selling them to coworkers.

When in training, runners are always keeping a close eye on what, when and how much they’re putting into their bodies throughout the day. But when race day rolls around the questions inevitably start to surface. Did I eat enough for breakfast? Am I well hydrated? When should I pop my first gel pack? How often should I drink? Do I try a sports drink at Mile 12 or just stick to water?

The answers, of course, are going to vary by the athlete, but regardless of your ability level the last thing you want to be doing is doubting yourself on race day. You must toe the starting line feeling confident in your training, and it’s just as important to be sure of your fueling strategy as well.

Use the tips offered below to keep your gas tank full the next time you go the distance on race day.


-"It Only Take One Person To Start A Revolution"

In late 2014, Trekking The Umphang Wildlife Sanctuary in Northern Thailand,  ( Known For Its Dense Tropical Jungles & Hostile Environment ), We Faced A Dire Problem. Running Out Of Food, Clean Water, & Sanity, We Were Quickly Facing A Survival Situation. As Faced With Any Situation You Quickly Figure Out What You Need To Do To Make It Through It. That night as we made fire, we noticed an abundance of insects that would gather towards the flames. Seeking warmth, many of them would get too close and ended up roasting themselves. Ironically this was also the night our food supply ran out, and as our hunger grew, we had little choice but to get our proteins from insects....thus our idea began. 

 As we began consuming insects ( crickets, scorpions, and termites ) along with native plant species, we noticed an almost instantaneous synergy within our bodies. Our energy levels, stamina and overall mental clarity was dramatically improved. The next morning our bodies were feeling replenished enough to make it out of the jungle. This than started the concept of ExoTerra.


• Develop sustainable eco friendly technologies and food securities from organic plant and insect proteins

• Produce a pure sustainable organic product line, based on plants, insects, and organic nutrients 

• Non Carbon foot print affecting climate change and clean energy positively 

• Preservation of our natural resources 

• Spread education and aid to the surrounding nations 



Creating an organic company

Creating an organic company solely based off plant and insect proteins wasn't are only goal. We wanted to develop a product completely sustainable to both the planet and a healthy lifestyle. With the ongoing destruction of our planets eco systems and the growing population, we felt the need to better educate the world with sustainable food technologies and securities. 

When starting the concept of an organic company, dealing primarily with plant and insects, we faced the problem of "Yuck" or "Gross, im not eating bugs." This problem was quickly remedied with one thing ...capsules. We understood that the average person wouldn't want to eat a crispy cricket or ingest termites, let alone a scorpion, we too were a little skeptical. We also needed a way to keep the insects and plant proteins fresh with no loss of nutrients. Hence freeze drying / dehydration and fine course grinding ( think coffee bean grinding and you'll get it )

These methods make it perfect for a multiple of uses, once the proteins are in a powder form the versatility of the product is limitless. This was not an easy process as we spent over two years perfecting this method to insure all the nutrients and proteins didn't loose their effectiveness.   
Our products are pure and organic. We take the time to research every vitamin, mineral and protein within our products to offer the purest organic nutrients available. 

We use all human grade organically fed insects harvested on our own FDA approved insect farms.