Want to boost your health with sustainable, organic, clean nutrition? Look no further than Insects.
According to panel discussions held at the
Institute of Food Technologies insects are the food of the future. Not only are they good for you, they’re a low-cost alternative to animal protein with far less impact on the environment. If this sounds ridiculously futuristic, think again; cricket-based protein powders are already hitting the market here in the U.S. Some insects are as much as 80% protein by weight and provide more essential amino acids than most animal proteins.
Along with being rich in nutrients like omega-3, & omega-6 fatty acids, Insects contain
B12, iron, zinc, fiber, protein,
essential amino acids and
antioxidants. Insects are as well rich in trace elements such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and folic acid, all that are easily digested by the body.
• 3 x the Protein of Beef, Chicken, or Fish
• 67- 79% human grade protein per serving ( depending on insect species
• Complete sustainable cellular protein
• Essential amino acids & minerals
• Accelerates protein synthesis
• Boosts energy & vitality
• Complete cell hydration & regeneration
• High levels of zinc, magnesium & b6
• Pure life sustaining organic nutrients
• Sustainable, no environmental impact
• Build, maintain & tone lean muscle
• Superior nutritional absorption rate
• High in probiotic enzymes & antioxidants

Some of the top insects currently consumed are as follows.
• Crickets
• Mealworms
• Cicadas
• Scorpions
• June Bugs
• Wax Worms/Grubs
• Grasshoppers
• Ants